Things to Learn

  • Given a scale drawing, produce a scale drawing of a different scale.
  • Recognize that the scale drawing of a different scale is a scale drawing of the original scale drawing.
  • For the scale drawing of a different scale, compute the scale factor for the original scale drawing.

Bench Work

Lesson Summary
The scale drawing of a different scale is a scale drawing of the original scale drawing.
To find the scale factor for the original drawing, write a ratio to compare the drawing length from the original
drawing to its corresponding actual length from the second scale drawing.
Refer to the example below where we compare the drawing length from the Original Scale drawing to its
corresponding actual length from the New Scale drawing:
6 inches represents 12 feet or 0.5 feet represent 12 feet
This gives an equivalent ratio of 1/24 for the scale factor of the original drawing.

Exercises and Practice