Topic A: Functions

13 March 2017

Lesson 1: The Concept of a Function

What is a function?

Worked example: Evaluating functions from equation

Worked example: evaluating functions from graph

Function notation example

Practice: Evaluate functions

14 March 2017

Lesson 2: Formal Definition of a Function

Equations vs. functions

Manipulating formulas: temperature

Practice: Function rules from equations

15 March 2017

Lesson 3: Linear Functions and Proportionality

Testing if a relationship is a function

Relations and functions

16 March 2017

Lesson 4: More Examples of Functions

Recognizing functions from graph

Checking if a table represents a function

Practice: Recognize functions from tables

20 March 2017

Lesson 5: Graphs of Functions and Equations

Recognizing functions from verbal description

Recognizing functions from table

21 March 2017

Lesson 6: Graphs of Linear Functions and Rate of Change

Recognizing functions from verbal description word problem

Checking if an equation represents a function

22 March 2017

Lesson 7: Comparing Linear Functions and Graphs

Does a vertical line represent a function?

23 March 2017

Lesson 8: Graphs of Simple Nonlinear Functions

Practice: Recognize functions from graphs

Topic B: Volume

03 April 2017

Lesson 9: Examples of Functions from Geometry

04 April 2017

Lesson 10: Volumes of Familiar Solids, Cones and Cylinders

Cylinder volume & surface area

Volume of a sphere

05 April 2017

Lesson 11: Volume of a Sphere

Volume of a cone

Practice: Volumes of cones, cylinders, and spheres

06 April 2017

Module Test