Things to Learn:

  • Compute unit rates associated with ratios of quantities measured in different units.
  • Use the context of the problem to recall the meanings of value of a ratio, equivalent ratios, rate, and unit rate, relating them to the context of the experience.

Remembering Sixth Grade

Key Terms from Grade 6 Ratios and Unit Rates
[shc_shortcode class=”shc_mybox”]A ratio is an ordered pair of numbers which are not both zero. A ratio is denoted A:B to indicate the order of the numbers: the number A is first, and the number B is second.Two ratios A:B and C:D are equivalent ratios if there is a nonzero number c such that C=cA and D=cB. For example, two ratios are equivalent if they both have values that are equal.A ratio relationship between two types of quantities, such as miles per hours, can be described as a rate (i.e., the quantity 2.5 miles/hour).

The numerical part of the rate is called the unit rate and is simply the value of the ratio, in this case 2.5. This means that in 1 hour the car travels 2.5 miles. The unit for the rate is miles/hour, read miles per hour.[/shc_shortcode]

Apple Juice Rate

Lesson Summary
Unit rate is often a useful means for comparing ratios and their associated rates when measured in different units. The unit rate allows us to compare varying sizes of quantities by examining the number of units of one quantity per one unit of the second quantity. This value of the ratio is the unit rate.

Exercises and Practice
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